A breath
of fresh AIr

AI business intelligence tools

Xerini is a software and AI solutions provider on a mission to inspire and empower businesses to optimise productivity using technology and AI. By using data more effectively, challenging conformity and embracing innovation, businesses can liberate themselves from the constraints of silos and remove the need for slow, manual middleware.

Software doesn't have to suck.

Businesses often struggle to get value from their data, either because it is kept in legacy systems or is siloed in spreadsheets. If data remains in isolated systems and uncontrolled, it can be difficult to have full operational visibility without extensive manual intervention.

A team of data experts can build a data warehouse, and teams of developers can build custom software to replicate data between systems, but these projects are expensive, high maintenance, and protracted: the world has moved on before they are even finished. At Xerini we do things differently.

We develop specialist software specific to business needs, creating solutions that are pragmatic, practical and easy to apply. We develop business software that uses existing systems to unlock value in data and remove the need for human middleware-processes that are slow, prone to error, difficult to reproduce and expensive.

This is what a business that doesn't use business intelligence tools looks like

Any business that has a digital presence will collect data on its everyday operations, ranging from online payroll to sales figures.

This data doesn’t automatically generate value, particularly if it is kept in legacy systems or is siloed in spreadsheets.

Siloed data makes communication difficult and management teams will find it difficult to have full visibility over operations.

This doesn’t have to be the case.

Data and process orchestration.

By integrating data from different, complex systems into one software platform, we ensure that clean and correct data is delivered to the right people at the right time.

Xefr is the first data and process orchestration platform that will liberate data from silos and gather it in an effective and intuitive format, so businesses can focus less on reporting and more on decision making.

Because the platform works alongside current processes, your existing technology investments are already part of the solution. The customised, off-the-shelf platform is tailored to specific business needs and features built-in secure integration with all the technologies you already use.

An organisation that uses business intelligence tools looks like this

Some of our clients.

software that
optimises business optimisation.

Optimising productivity using AI.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and chatbots are increasingly important tools that enable businesses to better organise data, answer queries or create content from existing data. Businesses that can effectively adopt these technologies could gain a significant competitive advantage by increasing efficiency and productivity, while reducing costs.

We help clients navigate AI and chatbot integration, advising on how to safely and effectively use intelligent technologies. We use our expertise in the latest developments in AI, machine learning and Large Language Models (LLMs), to build platforms that are bespoke to a client’s needs, as well as using tools such as ChatGPT. We partner with our clients every step of the way to enable digital transformation, while addressing any concerns with data privacy, equality, transparency and job displacement.

We have integrated AI capabilities into our data and process optimisation platform Xefr. It features document analysis, semantic understanding and natural language processing interfaces. Every member of your team will have their own “subject matter expert” as part of the platform, removing the need to mine different files, systems and legacy equipment to find what they need. With simple prompts, users have access to all the information and business data they need at their fingertips, enabling them to complete their work without the need for “information archaeology”.

Our services.



Xerini can handle all system and implementation requirements, from large, complex systems, to smaller web or mobile applications. We can lead you through the software implementation process, either offering our own Agile Software Development Lifecycle off-the-shelf systems or integrating with your organisation’s existing processes.

We can support software development and provide expertise at every stage of the process — from augmenting existing teams to full-blown project delivery.



We are experts in applying AI and Machine Learning capabilities to optimise the productivity of every member of a business — from the boardroom to the shop floor, and everywhere in-between.

We can apply tried and tested machine learning techniques to data, and build applications that can classify data in a meaningful way. Machine learning models can learn patterns in data, which over time can help users detect and correct errors or consistencies, helping businesses improve data quality.



Xerini develops software that connects to any digital system to reliably source data in real-time. By bringing data from multiple disparate systems together, we can clean it, verify its validity, report on its quality, flag up inconsistencies or gaps and provide a comprehensive set of tools and reports. These can be customised for all levels of an organisation – from support analysts to the C-suite.



We help our clients to align their AI direction with their business requirements, ensuring that both add value to their organisations in as efficient and effective a way as possible.

We provide advice and guidance on the opportunities and risks of AI and help organisations to navigate this extremely fast-moving area to ensure their business stays ahead of their competitors.



We’ll conduct a structured review of current systems, aspirational maturity and business goals to develop a focussed data strategy and a targeted roadmap to transformation that aligns with business needs.

The success stories.


Signify, a leading recruiter in IT services, found its accelerating growth was outpacing the reporting capabilities of its current systems, impeding operations. To address this, Signify engaged with Xerini. Building on top of Xerini’s data platform, Xefr, they optimised the existing reports with a more sophisticated business intelligence layer, integrating it into their existing systems.

Change Ahead

Change Ahead helps to connect vulnerable people with support services. To ensure they are showcasing relevant and high quality services, volunteers were spending hours manually searching for relevant websites, preventing the charity from scaling up.

Pre-eminent UK Certification Body

Struggling to keep track of its core certification assets, this prestigious body turned to Xerini for help. Xerini implemented the Xefr platform to organise data and provide an intuitive interface, integrating information from an aging ERP system, spreadsheets and network file shares.

Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC)

The MTC is an independent research and technology organisation that aims to bridge the gap between academia and industry. It approached Xerini for help improving machine set up and component quality on a metal 3D printing system.


HS2, standing as Europe’s most ambitious engineering project of our era, encountered an intricate web of data integration requirements amidst a myriad of railway assets. To surmount these challenges, Xerini, renowned for optimising productivity through technology, were brought in.

So… let’s
get started.

If you’re looking for ways to optimise business processes, tame your data jungle or identify other areas for improvement, speak to Xerini.