Our Services

Xerini’s software consultancy, data analysis tools and management services

Looking to optimise your business?

Do any of these problems sound familiar?

Implementing tailored data analysis software can help to solve these problems — if it’s done effectively.

Enter software consultancy Xerini

Xerini develops and implements specialist software to meet each customer’s specific needs. We use a diverse set of data management software tools and techniques, and have developed a platform that can improve communication between systems and departments and improve efficiency.

To determine the type of solution that will most benefit you, Xerini can:

  1. Review your current operations and identify bottlenecks, challenges and pain points
  2. Assess the capabilities of existing systems and data management platforms
  3. Streamline and rationalise existing data to eliminate data duplications or inconsistencies
  4. Develop customised solutions and integrate them with your existing systems
  5. Share expert knowledge on advancements in AI and other technologies to ensure you stay ahead of the competition

We take an incremental approach, helping to improve platform flexibility while reducing cost and time to delivery. Our business software platforms make use of, and work alongside, existing systems to unlock value in data and remove the need for human middleware.

For more information about Xerini’s products and services, download our brochure.

AI strategy

Advances in artificial intelligence and chatbots are changing the way we work. Businesses can use these tools to:

For more advice on integrating artificial intelligence into your operations, explore the benefits of machine learning and business AI.

Working in partnership with our clients, we develop systems that feature data aggregation, machine learning and even augmented reality to ensure businesses gain valuable insights from their data. We take the time to understand your needs, developing software that unleashes the full value of your data.

We employ a step-by-step approach to creating the platform, helping bring everyone in the business on the journey.

Software development services

Do you occasionally wish you could automate a specific process?

Or replace a bunch of older systems with one lean one?

Or do you have a business idea and just need someone to develop your product that will revolutionise a sector?

Xerini’s developers and data scientists can provide value by creating any type of application, or by extending existing ones. The solution can be web or mobile, for internal use or to be a new product for clients. Xerini can build your IP and make your product and startup a success.

Xerini can tackle any software development project, of any size, and provide a tailored solution specific to your needs. We collaborate with customers to develop the best quality software using an agile approach, creating a solution that is elegant, pragmatic, innovative and extensible.

We are experienced practitioners in agile software development, which enables us to deliver exactly what the client needs — even if the requirements change half-way through! A structured, transparent, and inclusive project methodology ensures that businesses see value at regular intervals. The client can also get involved as much as they want, either joining daily meetings or reviewing the results of regular demos.

To learn more, read some of our case studies.

Data analysis, integration and aggregation

Access to real-time data enables organisations to make more informed business decisions. To ensure you can reliably source data in real-time, Xerini can build data processing services that connect any digital systems together so your users can reliably source information. Data can be cleaned, verified, transformed, and enriched to ensure decisions are always made according to exactly the right information at exactly the right time.

Xerini can extract data from any system or application, including cloud, desktop or on-prem and provides advice on how best to present the information. We can turn boring, sterile data into vibrant, energetic and colourful information.

Furthermore, Xerini provides a comprehensive reporting dashboard that displays operational and analytical reports on the status of the data pipelines, customised for all levels of the organisation. This service helps improve data consolidation across the business and provides team members with what they need for streamlined data analysis.

Strategy consultation

The IT department is typically kept separate from the rest of the business. However, if a business’ technical IT capabilities do not align with other business requirements, it can negatively impact productivity.

Aligning data and digital strategy alongside business goals is essential for maximising the success of the outcome. A non-existent, disjointed, or non-communicated strategy may lead to lost opportunities, decreased efficiency, and ultimately, failure to achieve the intended results.

Xerini can:

We support clients as they develop and implement IT strategies, so that they can efficiently and effectively create processes that are reliable, secure and scalable.

So… let’s
get started.

If you’re looking for ways to optimise business processes, tame your data jungle or identify other areas for improvement, speak to Xerini.

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